Committee on Antiracism and Racial Equity

The Committee on Antiracism and Racial Equity (CARE - pronounced “care”) - changed its name effective from ART to CARE January 2023.

In June 2021, the Session voted to form an Antiracism Team (ART). The goal is to initiate church-wide theological conversations and actions focused on intersectionality and antiracism for the purpose of education, individual and community development, and culture/policy making within the congregation. Read about our Mission + Goals.

Racism and First Presbyterian Church of Annapolis

We believe that racism

  • is measured not by intent but by its impact on the oppressed.

  • grants privilege to some while sustaining the dominant group.

  • exists everywhere in our society and our institutions, including our church.

We will not passively accept unjust systems for the sake of a false peace. We will take on the hard work of dismantling, stone by stone, the systems of oppression that divide and subjugate so many in our community. We will build, living stone by living stone, societies marked by justice and love. God calls us to reconciliation. We work to repair what we’ve broken.

On a congregational level, First Presbyterian is a Matthew 25 church, which includes working to dismantle structural racism and creating a more just community. We study together what our faith says and how we are called to make a difference.  On a personal level, we examine our own experiences of race and privilege.

Antiracist effort is not optional for Christians. It is an essential aspect of Christian discipleship, without which we fail to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ.

For more information and resources, see the Presbyterian Mission Agency Matthew 25 in the PC(USA): Join the Movement | Presbyterian Mission Agency.

Adopted by the Session on July 23, 2024.


    We have and continue to add to a number of resources including books, workshops, lectures, panels that are both local and national in scope.
    Reading List
    Summer 2022 Reading


    Our activities include providing the congregation with information and resources to engage issues of race as well as gatherings to hear speakers, a Lenten Circle for intentional study and conversation, speakers and community gatherings. Read about the 2022 survey results.


    To join the Team or be added to its listserv to stay informed about ongoing activities at FPC, contact the Team.