Worship is at the heart of our life as a Christian community. Through music, prayer, scripture, liturgy, architecture, art, preaching, and song we give praise to God, encounter God’s presence, respond to God’s grace in Jesus Christ, and are equipped to carry out God’s service in the world. The sermons are thoughtful and challenging, comforting and inspiring.
Our music is diverse. We believe in glorifying God through a variety of styles, instruments, and musicians. These styles include organ-based hymns, African-American spirituals, Taizé choruses, New Orleans brass vespers, and responsive psalms.
During the 11 am worship service children of all ages are welcome to come forward to the chancel steps for a short children’s sermon and prayer. Afterwards children K-5 grades participate in a program called CROSSROADS led by Miss Good and volunteers in the education wing. There is a children’s table in the front of the sanctuary for those who choose to remain in worship with Children’s Worship Bags and other activities.
On Sunday mornings at 9:30 am we offer an Education Hour for adults which include a time of discussion and faith formation. At 10:30 am join us in Fellowship Hall for our Coffee Hour, and a chance to catch up with one another in the community.