Between Heaven + Earth: Chris West

Jesus called upon us, saying “Feed my sheep” and “Tend my lambs.” (John 21:15). When I think of the problems and challenges in our county, our world and our planet, our efforts to meet Jesus’ call seem overwhelming. But then I think of our former pastor, Rev. Heather Shortlidge’s words spoken at my mother’s memorial service, when she said that Eleanor took care of the people that God sent across her path. Yes, I can try to do that too.

And when I think of my father, quiet and introverted, I realize that he also took care of issues that crossed his path, working in First Pres to build closet shelves, paint Sunday School chairs, refinish the Shaw Chapel communion table, and improve the sound system. And in the neighborhood, he maintained the street with his tractor and chain saw, planting trees and forging hiking trails around the field and through the woods. He took care of God’s planet in his little area of the world, as did my mother, working in the church courtyard grounds and the Z-W house. Yes, I can try to do things like that too.

I am very blessed to have had wonderful parents who modeled ways to feed His sheep and care for His planet. Now that I am back in Maryland living on their property, attending their church, riding Westy’s tractor and following in their footsteps, I realize that I am “becoming my parents.” Rather than think of this idea as a punchline for a bad joke, I am encouraged – and honored – in the small ways that I can also find to do God’s work.

I am comforted to know that I can try to help the people and challenges that God sends across my path, and feed His sheep using my own God-given talents. I am reminded that when we focus on taking actions rather than wallowing in our problems, we can find direction and purpose for feeding His sheep and working to make heaven and earth a little bit better.


Between Heaven + Earth: Fran Jacques


Between Heaven + Earth: Judy Edwards