Between Heaven + Earth: Carol Patterson

World news these days is disheartening to say the least—not an easy time to find the Christmas spirit. But it came to me in the Giant grocery store yesterday. Checking out, a young mother with a fussy baby and tired toddlers, paying cash, realized she was short of money and had to put back several items in her cart. The elderly lady in line behind her whipped out a twenty dollar bill and handed it to her, saying, "No, no, here, take this. Of course you can buy them now. You don't want to have to come back for them." The young mother declined. The lady insisted. The young mother said, "Well, okay, if you're sure. But how can I pay you back?" The lady smiled hugely and said, "Oh my goodness, you have already. You just made my day! It feels so good to help someone. I remember when I was a young mother in the same boat and someone stepped up to help me."

I watched. A gift kindly given. A gift graciously received. Just watching this play out gave me the Christmas spirit. It gave me hope in people’s goodness and kindness.

Dear Lord, this Christmas season, open our eyes to see everywhere the giving and receiving of loving and unexpected gifts that bring joy to others. Not just beautifully wrapped packages, but gifts of time and love—such as volunteer STAIR tutoring, donating goods to food banks, caring for home-bound friends, and all gifts that come as organized or random acts of kindness and love. May the Christmas spirit be alive in our hearts now and throughout the year! Amen.


Between Heaven + Earth: Judy Edwards


Between Heaven + Earth: Nick Berry